The Vision for Religious Education encourages the students of St. Brigid’s to aspire to be a religious voice in the world in terms of their religious literacy and faith formation.
“The schools and colleges of the Archdiocese of Brisbane aspire to educate and form students who are challenged to live the gospel of Jesus Christ and who are literate in the Catholic and broader Christian tradition so that they might participate critically and authentically in faith contexts and wider society.” (Religious Education, Archdiocese of Brisbane)
The Religious Education curriculum consists of two distinct but complementary dimensions and has been conceptualised in the following model:
All the teachers at St. Brigid’s, teach from the Brisbane Catholic Education Religious Education Syllabus and Curriculum documents. The curriculum involves four strands and when planning for the teaching and learning of religion the strands are integrated. The four strands are:
1. Sacred Texts
2. Beliefs
3. Church
4. Christian Life
At St. Brigid’s it is a requirement that 2.5 hours per week of religion teaching is taught. This time is distributed across the week in the way it best suits the needs of the classroom.
© Brisbane Catholic Education, (2023)